317 St. Francis Dr. Suite 350
Greenville, SC 29601

317 St. Francis Dr.
Suite 350
Greenville, SC 29601
Tel: 1-864-235-1834, Fax: 1-864-235-2486

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Fibromyalgia is Real

Not the Last Word: Fibromyalgia is Real was the title of a recent article published in Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research (December 2015).   It was music to my ears to see that the orthopedic community is engaged in dialogue that acknowledged “..fibromyalgia has an entry in the 10th edition of the The International Classifications of Disease (ICD-10)” and that “…ICD-10 is the gold standard”.   The article goes on to say “Let us imagine a world where doctors did not have to worry about their clinical productivity..” and that “…in that world, a patient presenting with  widespread pain, sleep disturbances and tender points gets our sympathy and our attention without recrimination”.   While the debate among orthopedists, rheumatologists, and other specialties continues we applaud these comments.  At Piedmont Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, PA in Greenville, SC we also go a step further; we look for the root cause of disease in people with chronic widespread pain, including fibromyalgia.  We also work toward reversing the signs of symptoms associated with that pain with the goal of adding quality back into life.  Learn more about treat diagnosis and treatment options for fibromyalgia at piedmontpmr.com.

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Balance is a simple word but it can have multiple applications when it comes to health. Of course there is physical balance.  No one wants to fall, at least not until they have been trained, and then falling can become fun.   Maintaining one’s physical balance brings to mind your feet, legs, torso, square, head position, and posture.   Other parameters such as proprioceptive skills (knowledge of where your body is in space) and the vestibular system (the gyroscope inside your inner ear) are also necessary for physical balance.  We often don’t think about it much but peripheral vision (which speaks to how wide your field of view is) and muscle tone (which ranges from “loose as a goose” to spasticity after a stroke or rigidity from parkinson’s disease) also can have big impacts on balance.   Then of course there is your spiritual and psychological balance.  If either of these two are not developed than it does not matter how adept your physical balance is, you will be in trouble.  Likewise if your physical balance is impaired for any reason it is surprising how well one can do if there is spiritual and psychological balance.  At Piedmont Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, PA we employ a holistic approach to health care.  We believe that enhancing balance in physical, spiritual, and psychological aspects of life can help reduce tension, enhance relaxation, and lead to the discovery of inner freedom.  If you want to learn more log onto piedmontpmr.com.

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Balance often comes from the feet.  And if they ache, are twisted, or if your stance is off center then so is your square.  Think of you square as your torso only don’t forget your hips, shoulders, and the main objective: to balance your head.  If your physical square is off center then its just a matter of time until your spiritual and psychological square loose their center as well. When ever illness is present it is a good idea to assess your square.  Are you centered?   If not what can you do to regain it?  Consider basic exercises like walking around an object, between two different objects, or just moving out of the way as if someone is walking toward you on a crowded street.  Focus on keeping your square centered and on breathing (make sure you do both).   While these sound like simple exercises for many of us they are not.  Fortunately with a little bit of patience and perseverance you will catch on quick enough.  You might also discover that being in control of your square brings benefits that were unexpected.   Create your own system of health and personal protection. Experience Freedom.

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