317 St. Francis Dr. Suite 350
Greenville, SC 29601

317 St. Francis Dr.
Suite 350
Greenville, SC 29601
Tel: 1-864-235-1834, Fax: 1-864-235-2486

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Balance often comes from the feet.  And if they ache, are twisted, or if your stance is off center then so is your square.  Think of you square as your torso only don’t forget your hips, shoulders, and the main objective: to balance your head.  If your physical square is off center then its just a matter of time until your spiritual and psychological square loose their center as well. When ever illness is present it is a good idea to assess your square.  Are you centered?   If not what can you do to regain it?  Consider basic exercises like walking around an object, between two different objects, or just moving out of the way as if someone is walking toward you on a crowded street.  Focus on keeping your square centered and on breathing (make sure you do both).   While these sound like simple exercises for many of us they are not.  Fortunately with a little bit of patience and perseverance you will catch on quick enough.  You might also discover that being in control of your square brings benefits that were unexpected.   Create your own system of health and personal protection. Experience Freedom.

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Reducing Total Load Is Catching On

For years now at Piedmont Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, PA we have talked about reducing Total Load: the total number of things that do not allow you to get well.   At first it seemed that no one understood what we were talking about.  Things are different now.  While is seems that the concept is still new to most people many are now quite familiar with it.  While waiting to give my presentation last week at the World Health Organization I chose to sit in on a conference for improving quality of life in Parkinson’s Disease.   Naturally the speakers consisted of an international panel but they all had one message: reduce total load.  They pointed out that while most people think of Parkinson’s as a motor (movement) disorder there are over 30 other signs and symptoms that also occur with it.  Treating the motor component alone is simply not enough;  Quality of life, function, and longevity were all improved when total load was addressed.   The talk was pleasure to my ears.  Learn more about Total Load at piedmontpmr.com.

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