317 St. Francis Dr. Suite 350
Greenville, SC 29601

317 St. Francis Dr.
Suite 350
Greenville, SC 29601
Tel: 1-864-235-1834, Fax: 1-864-235-2486

Call us Today for an Appointment



Fibromyalgia Success

Fibromyalgia Success!  Do those two words really go together?  Yes, they can!  While there is no singular source of Fibromyalgia there are many treatment options available for it.  Not just medicines that cover up symptoms but treatments that address the root cause of disease.  What it takes is someone who is both willing to look for root causes and then methodically treat them, one at a time. It also takes someone who has the motivation to stay with the program of care, even if it takes 6 months or a year until quality of life has improved.  And then stay with it.  In some regards Fibromyalgia is no different then many other conditions that require daily vigilance to keep them under control (or to make them as good as they can be).  Diabetes, Parkinsons, and Hypertension are just a few examples. For Fibromyalgia patients that should be comforting.  Fibromyaglia patients are not alone.  While there is no simple answer and health maintenance does take work in many respects that vigil is just part of having a chronic condition.  Read more about treatment options for Fibromyalgia at piedmontpmr.com.

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“I’d Be In A Box”

When asked “How much worse would your condition have been if you had not received treatment here?” we frequently were told “I’d be in a box”.   Pretty powerful stuff.   Sometimes we forget where we have come from and measure success based upon where we are at, or where we think we should be.   Likely most of us would be more grateful if we would measure it based upon where we have come from or where we might have been if not for the help we have received along the way.  Good and bad always go together and for those with complex, chronic pain such as RSD, CRPS, or Fibromyalgia there will always be good and bad days.   Try measuring success by how much better off you are as a result of the care you have received or the ownership you have taken in getting well.   You might be surprised by how far you have come.   At Piedmont Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, PA just hearing  how much we have made a difference  to others has made us more appreciative of the work we do and what it can mean for those that we treat.

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Possitve Fibromyalgia Results

For some time we have emphasized Fibromyalgia patients.  Success indicators for out practice are quite promising.   At one year from onset of care  frequency of severe exacerbations has declined, quality of life has improved, and function has increased.     Log onto Piedmontpmr.com or one of our fibromyalgia pages to discover more about our Fibromyalgia program.

fibro success

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